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Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt

Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
    Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
    Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
    Leyland Freightline truck models with ergomatic cab brochure 1966 Prospekt
    Auf Lager
    39,90 €*
    inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
    Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
    Art.Nr.: 98828
    In den Warenkorb
    oder jetzt gleich zu
    oder zu
    Hersteller: Leyland Motors Limited
    29 x 23 cm, 20 Seiten, bebildert, Prospekt in englisch

    Zustand: Originalausgabe, gebraucht, gelocht
    Sprache: englisch
    Hersteller: Leyland Motors Limited