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Ford Capri II Car Shop Manual 1976 Werkstatthandbuch in Englisch

Ford Capri II Car Shop Manual 1976 Werkstatthandbuch in Englisch
Ford Capri II Car Shop Manual 1976 Werkstatthandbuch in Englisch
  • - 30%
23,03 €*32,90 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
Art.Nr.: 51720
Herst.Nr.: FPB 365-128-76
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V4 V6 Engine, Transmission, Suspension, Driving Axles and Drive, Instruments
Artikelart: Service Manual
Hersteller: Ford Motor Company
1976 Car Shop Manual  
Group Index: Vehicle Identification, Wheels and Tires, Brakes, Steering, Suspension, Driving Axles and Drive Shafts, Clutch and Manual Transmission, Automatic Transmission, Engine, Ignition System, Fuel System, Exhaust System, Cooling System, Starting System, Emission Control System, Lighting System, Starting System, Instruments, Clusters and Controls, Auxiliary Equipment, Seats, Window Glass, Interior Trim, Tops and Exterior Finishes, Body Shell, Maintenace Shedules, Lubrication and Maintenance
Body of the Book: 21,5x27x1,5 cm

Zustand: Originalausgabe, gebraucht
Sprache: englisch
Hersteller: Ford Motor Company