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Ford Technical Training Service for Car and Truck Bronco II Ranger Taurus Sable

Ford Technical Training Service for Car and Truck Bronco II Ranger Taurus Sable
Ford Technical Training Service for Car and Truck Bronco II Ranger Taurus Sable
Ford Technical Training Service for Car and Truck Bronco II Ranger Taurus Sable
    Ford Technical Training Service for Car and Truck Bronco II Ranger Taurus Sable
    Auf Lager
    14,90 €*
    inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
    Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
    Art.Nr.: 60256
    In den Warenkorb
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    Artikelart: Schulungshandbuch / Service Training
    Zustand: partly hands-free notes
    5 x FORD Technical Training / Service Training
    These training manuals were used for the technical training of workshop staff and include:
    Electrical and Climate Control System Features,
    Body and Chassis Features,
    Engine, Emission and Related Systems -TRUCK-,
    3,0l Engine -CAR-,
    Engine, Emission and Related Systems (except 3,0l Engine) -CAR-
    Original editions 08/1985
    entire book block thickness approx. 2.5 cm, DIN A4, illustrated

    Zustand: Originalausgabe, aus Werkstattgebrauch, gebraucht
    Sprache: englisch
    Hersteller: Ford Customer Service Division, Technical Training