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Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List

Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
  • - 10%
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Hesston 6400U Windrower Conditioner draper and auger header Parts List
Auf Lager
35,91 €*39,90 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
Art.Nr.: 85663
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Artikelart: Ersatzteilliste Parts List
These spare parts catalogs contain exploded views of the individual parts installed, along with part numbers and names (only in English) for the windrower / conditioner, draper header and auger header assemblies.

Format A4, approx. 0.75 cm total book block thickness

Zustand: Originalausgabe, aus Werkstattgebrauch, gebraucht
Sprache: englisch
Hersteller: Hesston Braud S.A., COEX France