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Brochure British Junkers Diesel Engines Peter Brotherhood Prospekt 1933 England

Brochure British Junkers Diesel Engines Peter Brotherhood Prospekt 1933 England
Brochure British Junkers Diesel Engines Peter Brotherhood Prospekt 1933 England
  • - 40%
66,06 €*110,10 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
Art.Nr.: 64964
Herst.Nr.: BJ33
In den Warenkorb
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Artikelart: Prospekt
Zustand: see description
Datasheet / Brochure
British Junkers High-Speed Diesel Engines
8 to 36 BHP
This brochure contains descriptions and technical data
Original edition probably around 1933,
A4 format, pages 11, pictured
Condition: with slight traces of wear, perforated, c reases, rubbed

Sprache: englisch