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African Handbook of Birds, Series 3, Vol. 2, 1973

African Handbook of Birds, Series 3, Vol. 2, 1973
African Handbook of Birds, Series 3, Vol. 2, 1973
African Handbook of Birds, Series 3, Vol. 2, 1973
    African Handbook of Birds, Series 3, Vol. 2, 1973
    24,90 €*
    inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
    Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
    Art.Nr.: 92843
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    Series III, Volume 2: Birds of West Central und Western Africa,
    by C. W. Mackworth-Praed and C. H. B. Grant
    Longman Group Ltd., London, 1973
    pages 818, hardcover,
    ISBN 0-582-03114-1

    Zustand: Originalausgabe, Erhaltung gut, gebraucht
    Sprache: englisch