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Ford Technical Training Service Features Carburetor EEC IV Electrical Transaxle

Ford Technical Training Service Features Carburetor EEC IV Electrical Transaxle
Ford Technical Training Service Features Carburetor EEC IV Electrical Transaxle
    25,90 €*
    inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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    Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
    Art.Nr.: 61109
    Artikelart: Schulungshandbuch / Service Training
    8 x FORD Technical Training / Interactive Study Guide for Cars and Trucks

    These training manuals were used for the technical training of workshop staff and include:
    1983 Car & Truck Body Chassis Features,
    2 x Manual 5-Speed Transaxle,  
    2 x  1983 Electrical and Climate Control,
    1983 Electronic Engine Controls (EEC IV),
    2700/7200 Variable Venturi Carburetor,
    Motorcraft - Abgasentgiftungsanlagen (in deutsch!!)
    Original issues 1982/83
    entire book block thickness approx. 2.5 cm, DIN A4, illustrated

    Zustand: Originalausgabe, aus Werkstattgebrauch, gebraucht
    Sprache: englisch
    Hersteller: Ford Customer Service Division, Technical Training