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2 Prospekte Kobelco LK Series 300A 500 600 700 1500A and K Hydraulic Excavators

2 Prospekte Kobelco LK Series 300A 500 600 700 1500A and K Hydraulic Excavators
2 Prospekte Kobelco LK Series 300A 500 600 700 1500A and K Hydraulic Excavators
2 Prospekte Kobelco LK Series 300A 500 600 700 1500A and K Hydraulic Excavators
  • - 40%
2 Prospekte Kobelco LK Series 300A 500 600 700 1500A and K Hydraulic Excavators
12,24 €*20,40 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
In den Warenkorb
oder jetzt gleich zu
oder zu
Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
Art.Nr.: 75153
Artikelart: Prospekt
... with technical information and descriptions of hydraulic excavators of the K series and wheel loaders of the Lk series.

Formats 26 x 10.5 cm and 21 x 10 cm, 8-25 pages, with illustrations,
Original editions, used, punched

Sprache: englisch