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Birds Of South Vietnam, Philip Wildash, 1968

Birds Of South Vietnam, Philip Wildash, 1968
Birds Of South Vietnam, Philip Wildash, 1968
Birds Of South Vietnam, Philip Wildash, 1968
    Birds Of South Vietnam, Philip Wildash, 1968
    29,90 €*
    inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
    Lieferzeit: 1-2 Werktage
    Art.Nr.: 92824
    In den Warenkorb
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    Including species found in North Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, and the Philippines.
    236 birds illustrated, 586 species described
    Published  by the Charles E. Tuttle Company, Tokio, Japan, 1968, pages 234, hardcover

    Zustand: Originalausgabe, Erhaltung gut, gebraucht
    Sprache: englisch